Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Orion Project video release!!!!!!

We are a non-profit 501c3 foundation dedicated to transforming the world's energy and social crisis into a world of sustainable, enlightened abundance. We need your support now to develop the smart, affordable, clean energies that were discovered... at the turn of the last century!

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Flag Burning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!

More Magic Tricks at

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Senator To Blow YOUR Tax Dollars On Football Investigation

With all the problems in the world, it seems it all pales in comparison to one of the men it should matter to, Senator Arlen Spector, who deems is necessary to use our tax dollars to conduct a further investigation of the New England Patriots Spygate scandal.Is he serious?!

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Ron Paul #1 on New York Times Best Seller List

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul’s newest book, “The Revolution: A Manifesto”, is number one on the New York Times Best Sellers list for May 18th, 2008.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ron Paul publicly names neoconservatives

This is one of (if not) the most important videos on the net right now. Ron Paul once again proves he is 100% for the people and is the most courageous and honest candidate in modern history. Spread it!

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Friday, May 9, 2008

Clinton Gets Booed at Shepherd Univ in West Virginia

On what was probably one of the toughest days of her campaign so far, with pundits and analysts of all stripes declaring her presidential candidacy finished, Mrs. Clinton put on her battle face Wednesday and confronted what was at times a hostile crowd at a hastily arranged speech here at Shepherd University.

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Cindy McCain says she'll never release her tax returns

What is she trying to hide? The TradMed harped on John Kerry until his wife released hers. Besides, why should Bill Clinton release his, under his theory. He's no longer running for office. Is it because McCain doesn't want anyone to know exactly how rich they are?

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

John McCain admits US invaded Iraq for oil. ..............REALLY!!!!!!!?!

“I will have an energy policy which will eliminate our dependence on oil from Middle East that will then prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the ME”McCain is essentially saying that our quest to “spread democracy” throughout the Middle East is a sham. Not about WMD or al-Qaeda. Only oil.

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The DC Madam was Murdered

DC Madam: "No, I do not plan on committing suicide, I plan on going to court." But we already knew this didn't we? Dick Cheney was a client.

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